14 Mar 2016
Australian Bankruptcy Searches

While it may sound like a potentially complicated process, searching for an Australian bankruptcy is in fact a very straightforward and inexpensive one which you can carry out quickly and easily for yourself. While some genealogists will charge eye-watering sums for this service, in truth these particular records are extremely simple to search and openly available online. As long as you have a name and date of birth the whole search can be carried out in a matter of minutes.
If you visit https://www.afsa.gov.au/online-services/bankruptcy-register-search and hit ‘search now’ you’ll be taken to a screen which will prompt you to enter the person’s surname, middle name if you have it and forename, as well as their date of birth. The only other details required are the email to which the results should be sent. You can search all insolvency records dating back as far as 1928. The search will cost you AUD $15, which includes the ability to download or view one extract.
Even with the process as streamlined as it is, some of our clients prefer us to carry out Australian bankruptcy searches on their behalf, which we’re happy to do for our flat document search rate of £20 per search.
Find out more about our services and rates.